Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This is a question, I am asked by almost every new client.  A simple strategy is to multiply your desired body weight by 10 to 12.  Then consume that many calories per day.

You determine your multiplier -- 10, 11 or 12 -- by how active you are.  So, if your desired weight is 120 pounds and you work out 5 days a week, you would multiply 120 by 12.  This will give you  a target of 1440 calories per day.  Use your best judgment, and adjust your intake if your are not achieving your desired results.

To ensure you are meeting your calorie requirement, keep a food journal.  For more information about why keeping a food journal is important, refer to my previous blog post "SIX REASONS TO KEEP A FOOD JOURNAL".

If you have any fitness or nutrition questions you would like answered in future blogs, please email them to me at tammy@tammyfoxx.com.